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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association


Sportsmanship & Sideline Behavior


Teaching appropriate sportsmanship behavior in a competitive environment is one of the most important things a coach can do.

Soccer Parenting & Sideline Project

To improve player, referee, coach, and parent experiences at youth soccer games throughout Wisconsin, Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association (WYSA) has engaged the Soccer Parenting Association and The Sideline Project in a multi-year partnership agreement.

Youth Sport: Parent Education - Sideline Behavior

Parent behaviors in the youth sport setting have a lasting impact on children.

Play by the Rules - Sideline Behavior

Parents play an invaluable role in club and community sports. Occasionally, however, some become over emotional, verbally abusive and sometimes even physically aggressive. It’s important that the inappropriate actions of a few parents don’t ruin the sporting experience for everyone else.

Forms & Waivers

Concussion Info

Concussion Information

Click the link above for all concussion and youth sports related information.

POB/Photo Verification & Adult safety program:

WYSA Athlete & Participant Safety Program

Following the establishment of Public Law 115-126 Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 (the “SafeSport Act”), as well as U.S. Soccer Federation Policy 212-3, WYSA has implemented the Athlete and Participant Safety Program.

Adult Athlete Risk Management

Effective for the 2021/22 seasonal year, there are new “Adult Athlete” Safe Soccer national requirements that all members of U.S. Soccer must implement by January 1, 2022. Immediate action is required by all WYSA clubs to comply with the national Safe Soccer requirement. (Please refer to the Adult Athlete and Club Administrator instructions below).

Scholarship Info

Regent Soccer Club's Robin Carre Scholarship Fund

Regent Soccer Club's Robin Carre Scholarship Fund exists to help eliminate financial barriers for those who want to play on a team.

Regent Soccer Club's Robin Carre Scholarship Fund -- Confidential Financial Assistance Form / Fondo de becas Robin Carre del Regent Soccer Club - Form

Regent Soccer Club's Robin Carre Scholarship Fund exists to help eliminate financial barriers for those who want to play on a team. Please complete this Google Form Application to apply for a Scholarship with Regent Soccer Club.

Additional Resources


Regent Soccer Club  
PO Box 5413  
Madison, WI 53705  


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