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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association


What is Regent Soc­cer Club?

The Regent Soc­cer Club, Inc. is a non-profit youth soc­cer orga­ni­za­tion based in the near west side of Madi­son. We offer both neighborhood (6U-14U) and Select (11U-19U) teams. Our goal is to allow play­ers to develop a love for the game by promoting an inclusive, fun, afford­able,  player-centered environment.  Except for Kinde (6U/7U) which is Spring-only and High School (Fall-only for HS girls, Spring-only for HS boys), our teams play in both the Fall and Spring. Our neighborhood teams play in our Gold Program and teams tend to be school– or neighborhood-based so play­ers can play with their friends. We are affil­i­ated with the Madi­son Area Youth Soc­cer Asso­ci­a­tion (MAYSA), the Wis­con­sin Youth Soc­cer Asso­ci­a­tion (WYSA), and U.S. Youth Soc­cer (USYS).


What are the Club fees and what do they cover?

Full-season recre­ational fees are $129.55 for 7U-8U; $139.95 for 9U-10U; and $150.35 for 11U-14U Gold. The full-season Blue Pro­gram registration fee is $207.55.  Reg­is­tra­tion fees cover insur­ance, admin­is­tra­tion,  field main­te­nance and MAYSA fees. Uni­forms are not included in the registration fee. There are additional coach, tournament, and referee fees for the Blue Program that are separate from registration fees.


What EQUIPMENT do I need to play?

All play­ers should have a blue and a white Regent jer­sey, shorts, socks, shin guards and ath­letic shoes or cleats. All play­ers must wear shin guards (which must be com­pletely cov­ered by the player’s socks). Blue Pro­gram play­ers are to wear the uni­form shorts and socks, while Gold Program play­ers may wear any ath­letic shorts and soc­cer socks. You can find uniform ordering information HERE Players are also responsible to bring their own soccer ball to every Regent SC event.

Appropriate sizes soccer ball per age groups:
► 14U+ = SIZE 5
► 9U-13U = SIZE 4
► 8U and under = SIZE 3


WHAT can’t I wear dur­ing a game?

A player shall not wear any­thing that is dan­ger­ous to another player. The goal­keeper must wear col­ors that dis­tin­guish them from the other play­ers and the ref­eree. Absolutely no jew­elry (includ­ing but not lim­ited to ear­rings, watches, bracelets, friend­ship bracelets, neck­laces, etc.) may be worn by a player dur­ing a match. The excep­tion to this rule is med­ical iden­ti­fi­ca­tion bracelets or neck­laces. In these instances, the arti­cle should be taped to the inside of the jer­sey (neck­lace) or cov­ered with tape or a wrist­band (bracelet). Play­ers shall be asked to remove watches, rings, ear­rings (includ­ing the stud or post vari­ety), hard bar­rettes and any other items the ref­eree deems improper.  Splints and or any kind of casts are NOT allowed, unless approved by the MAYSA Referee Assignor. If approval is given a hard copy form will be provided for the player/team to present to officials at the match. Players/teams should not assume that wrapping a cast or applying padding will necessarily result in approval to play. The safety of all players on the field must be taken into consideration.


Are schol­ar­ships available?

Con­sis­tent with our mis­sion of encour­ag­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion by all inter­ested play­ers, Regent offers schol­ar­ships to all qual­i­fied families through our Robin Carre Scholarship Fund.


What is cov­ered by a schol­ar­ship and what doc­u­men­ta­tion do I need to secure a scholarship?

If child is eli­gi­ble for free or reduced hot lunch, they are eli­gi­ble for a schol­ar­ship. For Gold Program play­ers, that means the club cov­ers  the reg­is­tra­tion fee; Blue Program players receiving a full scholarship will have the registration fee, team fees and uniform covered. The par­ent must com­plete the Schol­ar­ship Appli­ca­tion. If a player is not eli­gi­ble for free or reduced hot lunch, in addition to the Scholarship Application, we ask the fam­ily to write a brief note (included in the application) explain­ing finan­cial cir­cum­stances and how much they are able to con­tribute. Our schol­ar­ship com­mit­tee will review your situation (anonymously) and get back to you in a timely fashion.



MAYSA is the gov­ern­ing body for local soc­cer clubs. There are more than 30 clubs within MAYSA.  MAYSA is a mem­ber of the Wis­con­sin Youth Soc­cer Asso­ci­a­tion (WYSA) which is part of the United States Youth Soc­cer Asso­ci­a­tion (USYSA).


What is the Alliance?

The Alliance is a coop­er­a­tive effort between Regent SC, Shore­wood SC, Mid­dle­ton United SC and our pre­mier part­ner, the Madi­son 56ers.  Together we pro­vide the best pos­si­ble soc­cer envi­ron­ment for all play­ers and sup­port players and teams rang­ing from local and neighborhood to the regional pre­mier level. This joint effort allows indi­vid­ual play­ers to par­tic­i­pate on a team that is most appro­pri­ate to their level of devel­op­ment, inter­est and commitment.  In some cases we will form multi-club/com­bined teams with our community club partners in efforts to keep our players on the pitch.


When does the soc­cer sea­son start?

Our sea­son fol­lows the MAYSA cal­en­dar. We have 8 games in the Fall begin­ning after Labor Day and 8 games in the Spring begin­ning in April. Kinder­garten teams are formed at the end of win­ter and typically play 6 games in the Spring only.   Occa­sion­ally, mid-season Gold Program teams are formed and therefore play in the Spring only.


What area does Regent Soc­cer Club serve?

Most Regent play­ers live within the West High atten­dance area. How­ever, we wel­come play­ers from all areas around Madison.


What are “Tryouts?”

Please see our tryouts page for detailed information as well as dates/times of the tryouts and when offers will start to be extended.  Tryouts are held each Spring at Reddan Soccer Park in Verona.


Guide­lines are estab­lished by US Youth Soccer and are based on the players birth year. The following are the age groups for Current Season:


Teams are formed using the following Birth Year guidelines.
Use this chart to determine what age group (6U, 7U, etc.) your player is.

Playing Year:  

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025   
  Age Group  

  Game Format   

  Birth Year  


(3v3)   2019  
7U (4v4) 2018
8U (4v4) 2017
9U (7v7) 2016
10U (7v7) 2015
11U (9v9) 2014
12U (9v9) 2013
13U (11v11) 2012
14U (11v11) 2011
15U (11v11) 2010
16U (11v11) 2009
17U (11v11) 2008
18U (11v11) 2007
19U (11v11) 2006

Tryout Age Groups:

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Players are eligible to try out for 11U and older teams.
Tryouts take place toward the end of the Spring season (for the next playing year).
Use the chart below to see what age group your player is in for the upcoming playing year.

Playing Year: 

Fall 2024-Spring 2025


Age Group

Format Birth Year
11U (9v9) 2014
12U (9v9) 2013
13U (11v11) 2012
14U (11v11) 2011
15U (11v11) 2010
16U (11v11) 2009
17U (11v11) 2008
18U (11v11) 2007
19U (11v11) 2006


Regent Soccer Club  
PO Box 5413  
Madison, WI 53705  


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