Con­sis­tent with our mis­sion of encour­ag­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion by all inter­ested play­ers, Regent offers schol­ar­ships to all qual­i­fied families through our Robin Carre Scholarship Fund.
Confidential Financial Assistance

Who Qualifies for Assistance?
  • Families who receive MMSD Free or Reduced Lunch
    • The Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) free/reduced hot lunch criteria changes each year and can be found on the MMSD website.
  • Families who have extenuating circumstances

Regent uses information provided by families AND the MMSD Free or Reduced Lunch program guidelines to determine scholarship eligibility.

PlayMetrics Help Guide:
How to Request Financial Aid in PlayMetrics


*New process starting march 2024 for the upcoming playing year (fall 2024)*

If you have any questions about Regent Financial Aid/Scholarships, for the Spring 2024 season, please send an email to for assistance.

Financial Assistance Application Process:

Complete the following steps in order

  1. Login to PlayMetrics account
  2. Request and complete the Financial Assistance Application BEFORE registering a player(s) (check the box next to each player requesting financial assistance).
  3. WAIT for Regent to render a decision
  4. Once a decision has been made, applicants will be notified with details about the decision and next steps.
  5. Register the player(s) for a Program

**Most scholarship recipients will be required to pay a $30 acceptance fee to register, regardless of whether a full scholarship is awarded. If you want the acceptance fee waived, you must request it in the application BEFORE registering your player.