Proof of Birth (POB)

All players (11U-19U) participating in the Classic/Competitive MAYSA League are required to have their birthdate verified. With the new state-wide registration system, birth dates for each player need only be verified one time; the record is then kept with the state for as long as the player is registered with WYSA.

Per US Soccer, accepted forms of documentation for POB verification are:
  • A birth certificate,
  • A birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency or board of health records,
  • A passport,
  • An alien registration card issued by the United States Government,
  • A certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age,
  • A current driver’s license,
  • An un-expired federal, state or local government identification card (if documentation of date of birth is required),
  • OR a certification of a United States citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government agency.

Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates will not be accepted.

All documents should be sent to for verification. Documents will never be saved or shared. Sending documents to this email address ensures that documents will be deleted upon verification.

Player Photos

All players registered and rostered on a classic/competitive MAYSA League team need to have a photo of the player's face uploaded for the official roster.

Families can upload current photos themselves by logging into their Demosphere account OR they can send photos to and Regent can do it for them.

Here are the instructions for Uploading a Photo to Demosphere.

The photos on the rosters are very small - it's important that they be mainly of the player's face so that the player is identifiable.

A few things to remember:
  • Photos should be current (i.e. taken within the last year)
  • Photos should be head shots & clearly show the player's face (i.e. driver's license, ID, passport)
  • NO sunglasses or anything obstructing the player's face (i.e. masks, hats, shadows, etc.)
  • NO action, full-body, or group shots
  • NO drawings or random placeholder images